Enjoy All Those Holiday Parties (smartly)

I am not exactly the most social butterfly to ever flitter about. And yet, my December weekends and some week nights are already completely booked with parties. A few are back to back. So how does a nutritionist navigate all the merriment? With preparation:
1. Eat First.
By far, the most important rule for social gatherings that aren’t exclusively about a meal (I DON’T suggest this for a dinner party!) Most parties are awash in finger foods and little nibbles that are easy on the taste buds but provide zero nutrition. Even if you didn’t think you were hungry, chances are you will be once you see a gorgeous spread. So be prepared. Eat something nutrient dense and delicious before you head over. I will often do a cup of hearty veggie soup: it’s low calorie, but chock full of nutrition. Plus, the liquid fills my belly and the warmth makes me cozy.
2. Assess the Offerings.
Once you arrive at your party, do a buffet once over. Decide what looks irresistible and what looks meh. Make a mental note of your food choices, then grab a glass of wine or seltzer and work your social circuit.
The point of these gatherings is to be with friends, family and/or coworker. Enjoy the company! Catch up with people you haven’t seen! Flirt! Dance! Laugh!
3. Eat Again.
Take a breather to come back to your previous food choices. Fill a plate, refill your glass with a non-caloric non-alcoholic beverage and return to your conversation. If you’re still hungry a half an hour later, fill your plate with veggies and protein for your second go around.
Yes, in Aynsley’s 3 Step Guide to Parties, steps 1 and 3 are eating. You don’t become a nutritionist because you hate food. So take my professional advice and ENJOY
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